Of all of the hardy orchids for sale, none are easier to grow than Bletilla. No need for a steamy greenhouse to grow this amazing Ground Orchid. Bletilla striata c.v. ‘Rosea’. These spring-flowering perennial hardy orchids are quite durable in a wide range of garden conditions. Genus Bletilla are deciduous terrestrial perennial orchids with tuber-like pseudobulbs, ribbed, linear to lance-shaped leaves, and erect racemes of bell-shaped flowers Details B. striata forms a clump of ribbed, sword-shaped leaves, with erect stems bearing several pink, fragrant orchid-shaped flowers, to 5cm wide, opening in spring and early summer If you have always thought hardy orchids were difficult to grow, then give a bletilla a try. Rchb.f. Bletilla striata coerulea, Blooming size. Bletilla striata. Some records include: 5 years - 7 feet; largest on record - 13 x 10 feet. Best in average-moist, humusy and well drained soil but will put up with a dryer period once established. Bletilla striata 'Blue Dragon’ produces exotic, mauve-blue flowers above clumps of linear, corrugated leaves in late spring and summer. You just plant it in spring in a lightly shaded woodland garden and watch the flower stem unfurl from a clump of rigid, pleated, upright leaves. Displays broadly ribbed, iris-like leaves. Sale. It produces small, cattleya-like, pinkish-purple flowers, 2 in. B. striata - B. striata is an half-hardy perennial. It is a deciduous terrestrial orchid with sword-shaped leaves and loose spikes of nodding pink or white flowers on wiry stems in late spring to early summer. Create your free SHOOT garden and make a record of the plants in your garden. Display: 6 12 24 48 96. Reichb.f. f. (Orchidaceae), also known as Hyacinth Orchid and Baiji (Simplified Chinese: 白及), not only has been widely used for the treatment of hematemesis, hemoptysis, and traumatic bleeding due to the efficacy of arresting bleeding with astringent action, but also has been applied topically to overcome ulcers, sores, swellings, and chapped skin due to the efficacy of … (Bletia was named after Spanish botanist Don Luis Blet.) Bletilla striata synonyms, Bletilla striata pronunciation, Bletilla striata translation, English dictionary definition of Bletilla striata. It is native to China and Japan, and resembles an orchid, with white striped leaves and magenta or pink-colored flowers that usually bloom in the summer. This is the solid white-flowered form of the hardy bletilla orchid. The two deeply veined, medium-green leaves arise in early spring, followed immediately by the narrow flower spike emerging from between the leaves. In early May in NC, the 2' spike is clothed with 1" pure white flowers...perfect for a mass planting in the woodland garden. Under glass, grow in loam-based compost with added leaf mould in bright, filtered or bright indirect light. In growth, water freely & feed a quarter-strength liquid fertiliser every third watering. Keep dry in winter. Outdoors, grow in humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil in partial shade. In mild areas, mulch in winter. . In late spring, arching stems of pink orchid flowers appear. Published on the internet. Like its other B. striata cousins, this one is easy to grow in the lightly shaded garden or in containers and is long-blooming. Bletilla is known to hybridize successfully with Arundina graminifolia (unregistered) and attempts are being made to cross it with the taxonomically related genus Calanthe, thus far with no reported success. Violet-blue blooms resembling the Cattleya Orchid will decorate the plant for as long as 6 weeks. Bletilla striata, commonly called Chinese ground orchid, is a terrestrial orchid which produces small, cattleya-like, pinkish-purple flowers (to 1.5” long) in 3-7 flowered racemes atop naked scapes typically rising to 18” tall. Plant description: Bletilla striata are terrestrial deciduous plants … Add All To Cart. The genus was first described by young Reichenbach in 1853, who saw in it a resemblance to Bletia and thus used the diminutive form Bletilla as the genus name. The typically long, green, pleated leaves are vertically streaked with gold and, like the species, the clumps are topped in May and June with 2' tall floral spikes of terminal dark purple flowers...an incredible color combination. PubMed:[Bletilla striata pseudobulb rot pathogen identification and its biological characteristic]. White Margined Hyacinth Orchid. ex A. Murray) Rchb. Videos. Bletilla striata is within the scope of WikiProject Myanmar, a project to improve all Myanmar related articles on Wikipedia. Best planted in the Spring. Flora of China. ($16.50 at nursery) 0 estimated available. This relatively easy-to-grow orchid produces slender, pleated leaves. A real curiosity, treasured in the shady rock garden. available to order from winter 2021. PubMed:[Rapid propagation of Bletilla striata by synthetic seeds technology]. Minimum temperature: -10° F. Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Bletilla is a small genus of not more than five or six species, of which only one, B. striata, is commonly found in the trade where it is widely sold as a hardy orchid for outdoor landscaping. It is a very early bloomer for us here, starting in early March, with orchid-lavender flowers which can get from 12-18" high. It is a deciduous terrestrial orchid with sword-shaped leaves and loose spikes of nodding pink or white flowers on wiry stems in late spring to early summer. Plumes of delicate flowers are borne above attractive foliage in late spring. Bletilla striata 'Innocence', Hardy Ground Orchid. 1 bulb £6.99 Checkbox. Catalogue of Life China, 2013 Annual Checklist (Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences) As Bletilla striata (Thunb. Rhizome dorsiventrally compressed, subglobose or irregularly shaped, 1-3 cm in diam. Bletilla striata. J. striata (Thunberg) Garay & R. E. Schultes; Limodorum hyacinthinum (Smith) Donn. The introduction of other species of Bletilla would be desirable. Bloom Time: Spring. Other names. Each Bletilla striata Chinese medicine A perennial orchid, the root/tuber of which is used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and haemolytic agent; it has been used topically for acne, burns, dermatitis and eczema, and internally for tuberculosis, oral, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract haemorrhage; it is believed to promote healing of traumatised tissues. Registered hybrids. 2'T. The lovely clusters of delicate flowers deserve a special place in the garden! Bletilla striata, known as hyacinth orchid or Chinese ground orchid, is a species of flowering plant in the orchid family Orchidaceae, native to Japan, Korea, Myanmar (Burma), and China (Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang). Rchb.f. 2 quart. Watch all videos > Back. Bletilla striata 'Gotemba Stripes' is a unique variegated form of the hardy ground orchid that comes from Japan's famed Gotemba Nursery. Each shoot can have up to 6-12 flowers (even more on established older plants) with a ruffled lip and look like miniature Cattleya orchid flowers. Bletilla striata ‘Soryu’ (P-1922) SOLD OUT! Bletilla striata ‘Alba’ is a miniature, hardy ground orchid native to East Asia. Der winterling blüht im Winter. a lovely pale pink form. half hardy hyacinth orchid bulb. Bletilla striata. Bletilla striata. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) As Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Hohe qualitÄt und schneller versand - bei bakker helfen wir ihnen, ihr haus und garten, Terrasse und Balkon grün zu gestalten. $22.50. As well as being known for their beauty, Bletilla striata is cultivated for medicinal purposes. This is the solid white-flowered form of the hardy bletilla orchid. Flower Die zwiebeln im topf sind nicht frostbeständig, aber gut geschützt können sie auch im Freien gepflanzt werden. The genus is named after a Spanish botanist called Don Louis Blet. By far one of the easiest to grow yet with the largest flowers among hardy orchids. Bletilla striata is a herbaceous, perennial plant, spreading slowly by means of a compressed rhizome to produce a cluster of stems; it can grow 18 - 60cm tall [. Ty na zimu odumírají a na jaře rostlina znovu obráží z podzemní hlízy. Regular price. Bletilla striata 'Blue Dragon’ produces exotic, mauve-blue flowers above clumps of linear, corrugated leaves in late spring and summer. With a little winter protection this showy terrestrial Orchid will slowly increase to form an attractive spreading clump. Height: 30cm (12"). Spread: 45cm (18"). Bletilla striata / Bletilla hyacinthina ("Hardy orchid / Chinese ground orchid") Very pretty and inexpensive orchids with a great reputation of being the absolute easiest for a beginner to grow. The two deeply veined, medium-green leaves arise in early spring, followed immediately by the narrow flower spike emerging from between the leaves. Genus. 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (0 reviews) Write review. Habit. Pricing is per package and per variety (quantity discounts apply). Rising artfully above the foliage, each exotic-looking flower has five spreading petals with an undulating, furrowed lower lip. Bletilla striata x formosana = Yokohama (N. Suzuki 1956) The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP) As Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Bletilla striata the “Hardy Orchid”, also known as the “Chinese Ground Orchid”, “Urn Orchid” or “hyacinth orchid” is another easy to grow hardy, terrestrial orchid perfect for the climate of Northern Nevada. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "bletillastriata" Flickr tag. Pflege - der winterling steht gerne an einem halbschattigen Platz. 2 quart. wide (5 cm), in pretty racemes of up to 12 blooms. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Bletilla striata belongs to the genus ‘Bletilla’ which contains around ten species of orchid. Bletilla is a type of flowering plant related to the hyacinth. Ligustrum delavayanum ( Delavay Privet ) A very fast growing, dense, medium-size spreading, evergreen shrub native from southwest to central China. Bletilla striata [1] är en orkidéart som först beskrevs av Carl Peter Thunberg, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach. Bletilla Bletilla. Slow spreading, they'll make larger clumps over time. Hassler, M. 2021. 2 + 1 FREE bulbs £20.97 £13.98 Checkbox. A very good container plant. Hardiness Zone 5 – 10. Add to cart. It produces 1″ solid white flowers in clusters of 5-10. The name of this Hardy Ground Orchid in Japanese means "amazing lipstick," referring to the strong pink flush around the lip of its small white, Cattleya-like flower. Reichb. Bletilla striata ‘Soryu’. Species. B. striata - B. striata is an half-hardy perennial. How to say Bletilla striata in English? Bletilla striata, česky orchidej vzpřímená, je nádherná nízká trvalka exotického vzhledu. Bletilla striata is: Deciduous. Dorůstá výšky kolem 40 cm a vytváří trsy středně zelených, úzkých listů. Bletilla striata coerulea can be grown almost anywhere but does best in full sun to partial shade and in sandy soil with moderate moisture. If planted in any reasonable compost that doesn’t sour, it will grow and if given adequate sunshine it will also flower. Pronunciation of Bletilla striata with 1 audio pronunciation, 3 synonyms, 1 translation and more for Bletilla striata. f. GRIN Taxonomy. Bletilla striata 'Blue Dragon' thrives in cool, hummus-rich soils in the dappled shade of deciduous trees, making it perfect for a woodland garden or shaded rockery. [2] [3] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Reference page. More info about our plant sizes. Home > Plants > Bulbs > Orchid bulbs > Bletilla striata. Title. Bletilla striata ingår i släktet Bletilla och familjen orkidéer. Zone: 7 ( click here to find your zone) Light: Sun to partial shade Bletilla Orchid. PubMed:Antioxidant, antityrosinase and antitumor activity comparison: the potential utilization of fibrous root part of Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Discovered years ago in Japan’s Wakayama region and plagued by rumors of being too temperamental, this chic seed-grown terrestrial Orchid is … Externally, bletilla tubers resemble a … In early May in NC, the 2' spike is clothed with 1" pure white flowers...perfect for a mass planting in the woodland garden. Stem 3-25 cm, stout, enclosing several long tubular sheaths, 4-6-leaved. Bletilla striata in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Often called the “hardy Chinese ground orchid” in the bulb trade, this species is by far the easiest terrestrial orchid to grow. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. This Asian native orchid has to be one of the best flowering and easy to grow of the hardy orchids. Accessed: 2021 Mar 20. The WikiProject is also a part of the Counteracting systemic bias group on Wikipedia aiming to provide a wider and more detailed coverage on countries and areas of the encyclopedia which are notably less developed than the rest. White to nearly white orchid flowers with a touch of lavender, and pleated lance-shaped leaves: a demure beauty; lightly colonizing depending upon conditions. Blooms mid to late spring. Email me when this plant is available. As clumps of 'Kuchibeni' expand gradually, the effect is sensational, especially massed under deciduous trees. Compact. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. [2]Bildgalleri Plants 18-60 cm tall. Regular price$20.00Sale. Blue Dragon Terrestrial Orchid. Size. Hyacinth orchid, Common bletilla. The plant's roots and rhizomes are used medicinally. Unlike many orchids, award-winning Bletilla striata is an easy-to-care-for hardy terrestrial orchid. The small, elliptic to oblong leaves, up to 1.5 x 1 inches in size, are glossy deep green. Noun 1. Pochází z Číny a řadí se do čeledi Orchidaceae - vstavačovité. Do not over-water. Hardy Orchid, Chinese Ground Orchid, Hyacinth Orchid, Bletilla hyacinthina. The pseudobulbs resemble spreading corms which usually sit at ground level. 266.
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